
If you want to see additional information about a member (e.g. like their contact information to set up a meeting) then please send an email to Barbara Sunseri and she will send you the information.

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Total Records Found: 119, showing 20 per page
First NameLast NameVillage
Carolina De la Serna Cribari
Cary Nelson Glenn Arden
Catherine Barrier
Celia Shiffner Montgomg
Cindy Conry Cribari
Colleen Murphy Highland
Daniel Martinez Highland
Daniel Biondi Highland
David Holbrook Cribari
David Cook Montgomery
Deanne Hartwig Cribari
Diane Hunter Highland
Diane Hallock Verono
Diane Franceschi
Doug Curran Montgomery
Dvora Chatav Highland
Elly Burnett Hermosa
Ginny Spencer Verono
Grace Coquia sonata